The design dog:

Disin4orm is the calculated co-operation between bend, design park and nologo.  This co-operation is structured in layers. These layers are type formations/audio transmisions/visual disruptions. These layers are distinct and at the same time overlapping.  The process of this co-operation is not to inform the viewer of the portfolio work of the three units, but rather to disinform them.
The disinformation is: real time audio_visual_type constructions that will be made on the spot. B station will be an image production machine for the three-day duration of the design walk.  Some of the materials that will be produced will be made available to the viewers on the spot while others will be collected and re-formed into a final work that will be made available after the three-day real time action.
B station will not limit it’s transmissions within the borders of it’s space, but will transmit (via net) to open electronic space. 
The viewer can participate if he/she wishes to do so without this meaning that disin4orm is an “interactive” work.  It is rather a defined space where chance communications can be created between all that are within this space and will be transmitted freely.
This space is B_station

B is for business
B is for broadcast
B is for breaking
B is for band
B is for basics
B is for battle
B is for beginning
B is for behavior
B is for between
B is for blank

Saturday, 2 February 2008

open design workshop

more info soon from our spokesman

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